12/02/23 The beginning of December and not bad weather brought out a hungry group to the VFW for Saturday breakfast. With the end of the year coming not many more chances to do this gathering. The COCI Christmas party will be next weekend at the Piercy's, which will be attended by most of the club members. |
10/21/23 Breakfast has been happening during the summer on an irregular basis with NO Pictures, but they did happen. At least Tom remembered to get a few pictures today and hopefully will remember to do so in subsequent weeks. Breakfast was great and of course the conversation was even better amoung those that could make it out on a crisp but sunny morning at the VFW. |
With 11 Corvettes filling the back lot of the VFW a great group headed into breakfast on a beautiful Saturday morning. With the return of the Spring Mountain attendees lots of their adventures during and after were discussed. Also plans for tomorrows plans for celebrate Father's day were also discussed.
With 11 Corvettes filling the back lot of the VFW a great group headed into breakfast on a beautiful Saturday morning. With the return of the Spring Mountain attendees lots of their adventures during and after were discussed. Also plans for tomorrows plans for celebrate Father's day were also discussed.
On a beautiful May Saturday a nice group went to breakfast at the VFW to enjoy the comradeship of this wonderful group of friends. Those able to enjoy the day were Joy & Larry, Arminta & Doug, Erika & Bill, Cindy & Bob, Anita & Phil, Donna & Greg, John, and Wylie. Lots of discussion of the recent second round melt down by our former club and them now sending letters out to remove members. So glad that we all left just over 2 years ago and have enjoyed ourselves since then. A little bit of talk about the track and events there along with John's current Corvette C8 issues. The last two pictures are of a '03 C5 that he picked up later that afternoon with Greg & Bill as a 'spare' Vette.
On a beautiful May Saturday a nice group went to breakfast at the VFW to enjoy the comradeship of this wonderful group of friends. Those able to enjoy the day were Joy & Larry, Arminta & Doug, Erika & Bill, Cindy & Bob, Anita & Phil, Donna & Greg, John, and Wylie. Lots of discussion of the recent second round melt down by our former club and them now sending letters out to remove members. So glad that we all left just over 2 years ago and have enjoyed ourselves since then. A little bit of talk about the track and events there along with John's current Corvette C8 issues. The last two pictures are of a '03 C5 that he picked up later that afternoon with Greg & Bill as a 'spare' Vette.
With a nice Saturday morning weather wise the VFW breakfast was well attended with 6 Corvettes before 9 and Charlies a bit late at 9:05 (archive photo used:). It was nice to have the reserved Vette parking back as the new deck project continues. Veterans ate free Saturday so Phil, John and Wylie got a free breakfast. They and the rest of the group enjoyed their breakfast, conversation, and being able to get their Corvettes out. It was really good to see Phil attend after his recent health issues. Thanks to all veterans for your service!
With a nice Saturday morning weather wise the VFW breakfast was well attended with 6 Corvettes before 9 and Charlies a bit late at 9:05 (archive photo used:). It was nice to have the reserved Vette parking back as the new deck project continues. Veterans ate free Saturday so Phil, John and Wylie got a free breakfast. They and the rest of the group enjoyed their breakfast, conversation, and being able to get their Corvettes out. It was really good to see Phil attend after his recent health issues. Thanks to all veterans for your service!
03/11/23 Wylie was the only one to drive his Corvette along with the VFW member that has the white C3. Otherwise a smaller turnout but enjoyed by all that were there. Weather was grey, but at least dry with snow coming late in the day. It is March and each time a Corvette gets out is a great day with better weather coming soon for the whole club to enjoy. |
VFW Saturday in '23
With a bright sunny but cold morning three Corvettes made it to the VFW breakfast. Several more of the morning's group had said they would bring theirs on Friday night's call, but wimped out when they saw the 23 degree morning. Bob & Tom had a bye as they were headed to the train show at the fair grounds as soon as they finished breakfast. It was a good group with lots of chatter at both tables through out the morning. Those able to make it were Wylie, Jim, Doug & Arminta, Tom & Nancy, Bob & Cindy, Phil & Anita, Greg & Donna, Bill & Erika, John & Ruth, and Charlie. Great to see Phil after his recent issues along with everyone else that was there. Randy & Sherry decided to skip and texted from Cracker Barrel while Paul and Londa were at a volleyball game in Plainfield accounting for the members wintering in state. As can be seen in the pictures the VFW has a lot of material in the back lot in preparation for their redoing the back patio, it will be impressive when done. Who knows, maybe breakfast will be soon on it later in the spring. Another fun morning with a great group of friends that enjoy being together.
With a bright sunny but cold morning three Corvettes made it to the VFW breakfast. Several more of the morning's group had said they would bring theirs on Friday night's call, but wimped out when they saw the 23 degree morning. Bob & Tom had a bye as they were headed to the train show at the fair grounds as soon as they finished breakfast. It was a good group with lots of chatter at both tables through out the morning. Those able to make it were Wylie, Jim, Doug & Arminta, Tom & Nancy, Bob & Cindy, Phil & Anita, Greg & Donna, Bill & Erika, John & Ruth, and Charlie. Great to see Phil after his recent issues along with everyone else that was there. Randy & Sherry decided to skip and texted from Cracker Barrel while Paul and Londa were at a volleyball game in Plainfield accounting for the members wintering in state. As can be seen in the pictures the VFW has a lot of material in the back lot in preparation for their redoing the back patio, it will be impressive when done. Who knows, maybe breakfast will be soon on it later in the spring. Another fun morning with a great group of friends that enjoy being together.