Drive With Jim 11/19
Several of the members keep in touch with Jim Kellam as he continues fighting his health issues. In doing so we continually ask if he and Pam feel like taking a drive, which they did on the pretty Fall day. Starting at the McClure station on 31 the group was waiting for Larry & Joy when a Blue streak flew by. After a bit and them not returning Bill called to find that they were lost and got them on the way back to our starting point. Also the new COCI hats were handed out, and then were getting blown off heads because of the very windy day. The group still got started on time and headed up IN 38 over to Frankfort and started to head back to the East. Jim had mentioned that he would like ice cream so Bill was planning a route to a shop that Jim thought was open in Kokomo. Unfortunately Jim started to feel very tired so Pam headed them for home so he could rest. Of course most any of us might be tired as they had taken a 12 hour drive to pick up a carousel horse that Pam had found in Northern Illinois two days before. Since the ice cream destination was for Jim it was then decided by the group to head directly to Blackhawk Winery as it was to be a second stop. Once there lemon wine was tasted and purchased by several in the group. The drive was not without a few stops, as Bill had run over a small branch that got stuck by the left front brake, it finally kicked out and Tom's car picked it up. So a stop was made to check both out. When getting back in Bill's fob opened the trunk, so he got out and shut it. Unfortunately it happened again so another stop was made to close the trunk again and took the fob out of his pocket. Guess it was good he had a trunk and not a frunk! The day was great and actually may be one of the last for a drive as the weather is starting to move into more typical Fall temps.