Fish Fry @ Bookers 6/07
With just a previous evening invitation for the late afternoon drive, hosts Bill & Erika had two other couples and a single come along for the Friday evening fish fry at Bookers. Those able to go were Jim, Greg & Donna, and Phil & Anita, with Phil showing off his previous day's purchase of a '17 C7 Black Rose Coupe. This now makes two single year colored C7's with Charlie's Sterling Blue being the other one, also a '17. Phil purchased this Corvette to go along on his old timers club trading in his '91 Caddy. Once underway the group headed up to the County line road then over to Mule Barn and into Sheridan and up to Kirklin making use of the curvy IN-38. We also got to use the new bridge that had caused us to use our impromptu detours earlier in the year. Once there everyone ordered the All You Can Eat fish dinner with most getting a baked potato along with a salad or coleslaw. About the time that we were getting done Mike Quinn stopped by the table as he had of course spotted the Corvettes parked out front and recognized Greg's as one of them. We chatted a bit and he said it was his first time at Bookers, so hopefully he enjoyed it as much as we did. Another good drive and we will plan to do another one later in the summer.
Additional pictures at bottom from Greg.
Additional pictures at bottom from Greg.