COCI Western Tour
A very large trip was planned to join in the 50th Annual Black Hills Corvette Classic held in Spearfish South Dakota. The idea was proposed by Sherry & Randy as her sister's club from Texas was going there also. So members of COCI were soon signing up to go and plans being made. With it being an 11 hour plus drive the first day's event was decided to break it up by stopping in Ft. Dodge Iowa before getting to the Sioux Fall registration on Tuesday. Wednesday schedule is to then go on to Spearfish for several days of sight seeing and other events. Since we were so far West Wylie proposed that we also see Yellowstone and then we could come back through the Rockies too. So reservations for Gardiner MT were also made by a majority of the travelers. Those able to go on the trip were Randy & Sherry, Paul & Londa, John & Ruth, Larry & Joy, Bill & Erika, Wylie & Rita, Tom & Nancy, Bob & Cindy, and newly added members Fred & Linda Whicker for a group of 9 couples. To commemorate the trip the group had Heather create a shirt with the info on the back and the club logo on the front. Link to each day are below the picture.