COCI Western Tour - Day 7 07/18
Yellowstone National Park
Sunday, Day 7, had us heading into the Yellowstone National Park at a little after 7. This was after stopping at the only grocery in town to get some breakfast and sandwiches for lunch. This had been at Wylie's suggestion as he knew the park well and was not sure of restaurants being fully open. Our first stop would be Old Faithful which was a 58 mile drive from the motel. Because of the early start the parking lots were not packed, but still very busy. Since we had gotten there just after the geyser going off most took the walk around the area while others made good use of the gift shop. which were open but restricted to a limited number at a time. Getting a seat early right up front paid off as all of the benches were full at the anticipated geyser's time of eruption. Once everyone had a chance at the gift shop we were on our way to Wylie's next stop. Unfortunately by then the lots were overflowing so we kept going in search of someplace to eat lunch. By going off on a not as travelled loop road we soon found a great pull off and the chairs were soon out to sit for a quiet lunch. It was hot though as the morning 60's headed into the mid 90's, but there was a nice breeze which made sitting in the sun ok. Once done we headed back out into the traffic which was not too bad back towards Mammoth, the little village in the park. We then headed out towards the East gate where Wylie was sure there would be a buffalo herd grazing. We saw a bull buffalo and then pulled off at the ranger station to check on the herd whereabouts. The rangers were not in, so we decided to head back to the motel. On the way back Wylie spotted the rangers and found out that the herd was further than we had gone. He turned around and a couple followed him where they actually got to see the them grazing. The other three headed back to the motel where unfortunately Paul hit a pot hole at the exit of the park slicing his right front tire. He limped back the mile or so to the motel and started to make contacts to get it replaced on Monday.