COCI Western Tour - Day 5 07/16
Day 5 was another touring one with the larger group headed for Devils Tower starting from the Applebee's across the road but still an early start. By getting there early the group missed the extensive lines into this National Park as it was really filling up when we left a few hours later. Some of the group walked the complete trail around the tower, while others walked up to the base. The rest sat at the bottom and watched several of the adventurous climbers on the tower, look for the white speck on several of the close up pictures and dark specs on others hard to see but they are there. On the way out there was a obligatory stop at the gift shop and then on to lunch in Sundance at the Longhorn Saloon & Grill for a nice time. After lunch we headed back to Spearfish to take the Spearfish Canyon drive which then went onto Deadwood before circling back to Spearfish. This route had been suggested to Wylie by Bob Young when he found out we were making the trip West. Again another shower popped up and a bit of construction made for dirty Corvettes when we got back. So another cleaning will need to be done before much more travelling.