Roundabout Drive 08/07
Jimmie and Donna decided to have a much different type of Drive N Dine by using 30 of Carmel's 120+ roundabouts. The plan was to go from the Carmel City Hall Fountain at 1 Civic Square near Gradle and Veterans Way to the end destination of Charleston’s. The group was held to 12 cars as everyone was to sit around the bar once there. The group got started on time and were soon heading around the town with the usual metal cars slipping in to and out of the group as the ride progressed. At one point we lost two of the group (Bob W with Phil following) due to the metal cars and truck incursions, as they left one exit too early. They soon radioed that they would just go directly to Charleston's to not have the rest of the group have to find place to pull over and regroup. Jimmie wrote up an article on doing roundabouts in general plus a copy of his route if others would like to give it a try on their own. It was a fun afternoon on a truly beautiful day with a fun drive that was not too long. Be sure to contact Jimmie if interested in having him do another one yet this year as he indicated that he would do it for those interested.
Rules to Negotiate a Roundabout
Carmel Roundabout DnD
Rules to Negotiate a Roundabout
Carmel Roundabout DnD