Stone Creek 12/05/12

On a crisp, clear Wednesday afternoon a small group met at Bill & Erika's for a short drive on possibly the last Retirees and Hookey Players Drive N Dine for the year. Those able to make it were the hosts Bill & Erika, Robert & Judy, Arminta, Jim & Shelley, and Rich from CC. Only three Corvettes made the trip, and had Rich used his wife's Corvette they all would have been Electron Blue! Arminta rode along with Jim & Shelley in his prized White Lexus, freshly detailed at Penske. A quick, short route was used to the restaurant, and it was the first Drive N Dine for awhile that did not use Mule Barn Road! Once at their destination a very leisurely lunch was had with good conversation from the new C7 to what type of health insurance we were using. The subjects sure do change the older we get, as one of the group noted.