Parky's BBQ 08/08
With finally a weekday forecast for no rain Bill & Erika called a very short notice Retirees and Hookey Players Drive N Dine to Parky's Smokehouse that was announced Sunday afternoon and held on Tuesday. This is the definition of the Retirees and Hookey Player event, and it went very well with 8 Corvettes and 13 members going on the trek. Those able to go on the short notice were Greg & Donna Bowron, Pam & Jim Kellam, John & Marg Herder, Jimmie Driscoll, Keith Riley, John Vess, and Wylie & Rita Etscheid with Rita fresh from her morning's doctor appointment where she got great news about her knee surgery of the previous Wednesday. Things are healing fine and her large bandage was removed to her surprise and relief. Fortunately it was good that Jim & Pam were going along as they asked if IN 47 was on the route. It was but soon changed as Pam reported that it has fresh chip & seal, the bane of a clean Corvette. Once underway the route headed around Zionsville back roads over to Michigan road then up to the IN 32 roundabout and on to Lebanon. With the beautiful day any roads are good ones when driving in a Corvette. Once they arrived they found the long table all setup and soon everyone was sampling their choice of BBQ items. With the meals done around 4 everyone headed for home on the route of their own choice, continuing to enjoy the day.