Corvettes of Central Indiana History
Corvettes of Central Indiana is a club of 31 friends that were former members of Corvette Indy and decided to start a new club after an unpleasant meeting in October of 2020. During that meeting multiple of these members were verbally told by the then president that they were no longer welcome in the club. With those words and not agreeing with the direction the club was going in these and other members decided to start a new limited membership club.
The founding members of Corvettes of Central Indiana include people that had built up their former club over the past 10 years, hence the keeping of the photos and events that took place over those years. This group includes past Presidents, Governors, Vice Presidents, Membership Director, Newsletter Editors, Competition Director, Merchandise Directors, Treasurers, Sargent at Arms, Social Director, Parliamentarian, Penske Liaison, and Webmaster.
Corvettes of Central Indiana is a club of 31 friends that were former members of Corvette Indy and decided to start a new club after an unpleasant meeting in October of 2020. During that meeting multiple of these members were verbally told by the then president that they were no longer welcome in the club. With those words and not agreeing with the direction the club was going in these and other members decided to start a new limited membership club.
The founding members of Corvettes of Central Indiana include people that had built up their former club over the past 10 years, hence the keeping of the photos and events that took place over those years. This group includes past Presidents, Governors, Vice Presidents, Membership Director, Newsletter Editors, Competition Director, Merchandise Directors, Treasurers, Sargent at Arms, Social Director, Parliamentarian, Penske Liaison, and Webmaster.