2013 Memorial Picnic

On a beautiful Sunday September 15 Corvette Indy held it's third annual Memorial Picnic in remembrance of past members and to have an afternoon where members and families can enjoy time together. This year's picnic had over 60 people attending and a number of Corvettes sharing the parking lot with a reunion! A lot of food was consumed by the group, but we did not run out of hamburgers or hot dogs that were prepared by Brent, Tom, and their group of grill tenders. We also had an abundance of salads, fruit, and lots of desert items. Mike talked a bit after lunch about the size of the club when it was formed and his amazement at how large the club has grown. He also had members with NCCC numbers under 100 stand to be recognized by the newer members. It was a great afternoon and all enjoyed the members getting together. Also a congratulations to Mike and Paulette who had celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary the day before.