2013 Butler Homecoming Parade
On Saturday, October 12, Barry again headed up having Corvette Indy as a part of the annual Butler College Homecoming Parade. This year there were 11 Corvettes in the parade with members Barry R, Mel & Norma M, Bill & Erika L, Jim K, Robert S, Mike L, Sarah Lee R, Diana A, and Lynn P doing the driving duties. As always the parade is short, about 15 minutes of driving time and a little over a mile in distance. The King & Queen contestants really enjoy getting to wave and interact with the parade goers. Mel led the group with Butler's President and his wife riding along, which was followed by a float and a Corvette with King and Queen contestants or court members for each Sonority or Fraternity being represented. Another fun get together for the Corvette Indy members.